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an Indian perspective
Federalism and development cooperation

  • 2016
  • Sinha, Shakti
  • Aufsatz/Enthaltenes Werk

One of the paradoxes of recent political history has been India''s success as a democracy. Of all the countries that emerged out of colonialism in the post-World War II era, India has the unique record - beside some very small countries like Mauritius and Belize - of having nurtured social and political inclusion continuously for almost seven decades - aside from a very small, nineteen-month interregnum (June 1975 - February 1977), when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi clamped internal emergency and suspended fundamental rights. What makes the unlikely success of Indian democracy even more of a mystery is that India started as an extremely poor, ethnic and religious diverse country, which led many - including Winston Churchill - to argue that India was as much of a nation as the Equator was.
