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Assessing impacts on pastoralist communities, and legal and policy options to enhance adaption actions
Climate change induced migration in Kenya

  • 2017
  • Kibugi, Robert ; Lanyasunya, Sylvia
  • Aufsatz/Enthaltenes Werk

The fact that the impacts of Climate Change are being felt in Kenya cannot be questioned. The proof is in the increasingly erratic and unpredictable weather patterns that the country has been experiencing in recent times. Certain segments of society such as pastoralists are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of Climate Change than others. In Kenya, the most serious extreme weather event is drought, and although this is not a new phenomenon, recent instances of drought have increased in frequency and magnitude thus threatening the very existence of pastoralists who rely on livestock rearing as their main source of livelihood. In recognition of the seriousness of this situation, the Kenyan government is taking action to build the resilience, and enhance the adaptive capacity of pastoralist communities.
