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RCEP and its consequences for Asia


In November 2020, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) became what will be the world's largest free trade agreement. 2.2 billion people in a free trade zone that includes all ASEAN countries as well as Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and above all China. A striking signal from the Chinese government to the political centres in Europe, the USA and India. India, which had pulled out of the negotiations a year earlier.

Was this wise? What positive effects will the RCEP have for the parties involved? Does this leave India behind in the region? What does this mean for India's Act East Policy? Should India connect with Europe now? How has China managed to bring countries like Japan, Australia, etc. to the common table despite all the geopolitical conflicts of interest? What are the implications of the RCEP for bilateral (trade) relations between India and China?

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